With this cartoon that is shown with the Native Americans and the pilgrims coming on to the shore, the Native Americans are asking for green cards and visas. This shows who where the first illegal immigrants were that came into this country. I know that this has been seen before but it also brings up the question of why the USA is so harsh on illegal immigrants. Yes one can say that there are laws and that it is a different time, but what is bad is some of the treatment that is received by some of the people in the country. Some say that immigrants can come in to the USA legally, but that takes way too long. If they are starving and willing to work in their own country, why should the USA look down upon them? There are so many jobs that some US citizens do not want to do. If immigrants are willing to do them why not let them do the job. Other people have said that immigrants are taking jobs away from US citizens. I don’t believe that because I don’t think that many Caucasian people are lining up to fill up jobs in the fields to harvest. How can we minimize the racism that this causes towards illegal immigrants?
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